A Decade by the Numbers

Places lived: 5
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn
Seocho-gu, Seoul
Seocho-gu, Seoul, same building but different apartment
Bundang-gu, Seongnam City, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Places worked: 2
Google and Samsung

Samsung job offers rejected: 1

Samsung job offers accepted: 1

Countries visited: 21
United States, India, Ghana, Hungary, Austria, Mexico, China, South Korea, Costa Rica, Israel, Trinidad and Tobago, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Sri Lanka

Countries visited for the first time: 15
United States, India, Mexico, China, South Korea, Japan were all repeats.

Countries lived in: 2

Percent of decade spent outside the US: 43

Houses purchased: 1

Cars purchased: 1

Master’s degrees acquired: 1

Landmark courses attended: 8 (including 1 in Thailand)

Alcoholic beverages consumed: 0

Family members born: 5
1 nephew, 3 nieces, and my daughter, though I didn’t know her at the time

Marriages: 1

Happy New Year!