Posted by: Josh
The transit strike may be ending soon, but one effect has been a huge spike in local news viewership. This particular crisis, which involves primarily inconvenience rather than death and destruction, has not led to blanket coverage on any of the national news networks, which has left the usually sleepy NY1 to pick up the slack.
I’ve been charmed by the mostly quite young news team at NY1, who have approached this municipal situation with admirable gravity and detail. While I caught an anchor on WABC mouthing moralistic platitudes, NY1 has stuck to meaningful analysis and details about how riders are coping, what the negotiations hinge upon, how long it would take to get the subway up and running, internal union politics and other salient information, interspersed with on-the-street interviews.
And babes.
I will admit to having developed a little crush on reporters Sandra Endo and especially Solana Pyne, who has been standing bravely in front of the union hall in her cute little knitted winter hat while her hair blows in her face.
When it’s all over, NY1 will go back to covering school financing and city council negotiations (snore), and I’ll stop watching. But in the meantime, thanks for brightening these stir-crazy days.