Nonesuch Records
Ah, the joys if streaming audio!
I just dicovered, via BoingBoing, that David Byrne has on his website an audio stream of music he’s been listening to, updated monthly. The current playlist, called “Rednecks, Racists and Reactionaries: Country Classics,” is four hours and 33 minutes of “pre-hippie-country, pre-alt-country, pre-outlaw-country — [from] before Graham Parsons, Bob Dylan, Emmylou, Willie, the Flatlanders and scores of others made the genre accessible to folks who usually associated country music solely with rednecks, racists and reactionaries.” Past playlists included old-school club music, a month of Missy Elliot (whom Byrne calls “one of my role models”), a month of Dylan, psychedelic classics and music from Italy.
Another nice audio stream comes from Nonesuch Records (click the Radio link on the homepage), which includes tracks from Nonesuch’s illustrious stable of artists.
Luaka Bop, the label Byrne founded, also has a radio station, but it’s disappointingly lo-fi.