Topic: Music

I just discovered that MTV is in the process of launching a series of channels targeted at Asian-Americans:
MTV Desi, targeting Americans of South Asian descent, came first, followed by
MTV Chi, for Chinese-Americans, and MTVK, aimed at Koreans, is
planned for early this year.Unfortunately, these channels are only available on
DirecTV, so I won’t be watching them anytime soon. But you can watch music videos at the respective websites — the most popular are listed on the respective Top 10 Vote pages (
MTV Desi, MTV Chi, and you’ll have to use IE). I’m
already sold on the very cool hybrid music coming out of India and her diaspora. What was more interesting was to see what selections MTV came up with to pitch to a Chinese audience that has very different tastes from the mainland Chinese (and potentially a lower tolerance for utterly schmaltzy sentimentality). I did a quick browse through several videos, and while some fit the old mold, others went in surprising new directions. So I’ll be interested to see what runs on MTVK.
Also published on Medium.