Topic: Culture

If M.I.A. is the Jimi Hendrix of grime — some kind of mysterious genius who seems to come from another planet entirely (and whose album is, sadly, delayed indefinitely) — then Lady Sovereign is the Janis Joplin of the scene, tough and brilliant but approachable. She’s like someone you want to stand next to at a party and who you hope will think you’re cool and funny, and who seems generous enough that she just might. She oozes charisma and her flow is kickin’ (as the kids probably no longer say).
I don’t want to carry these metaphors too far, but I do want to draw your attention to Lady S.O.V.’s revamped website with new material, including a couple of new videos and a live recording that just kicks ass. (You have to sign up to get the full-length videos and all.) Go watch and listen. Now matter how cool you are, listening to S.O.V. will make you cooler.