Bonus: This probably means more to me than it does to you, but here’s a poster advertising a few of my favorite bands back when I was in high school — The Limbomaniacs, whose drummer, Brain, was also briefly a G’n’R member, and has also recorded with Primus; Fungo Mungo, a fun thrash-funk outfit that used to close their shows with extended funk jams of “Rainy Day Women,” complete with serious bong abuse onstage; and The Deli Creeps, Buckethead’s first band. Also featured is Puzzlefish, who I never saw. And the gig is at the Omni, a now-defunct club in Oakland which I will always remember as the place where I first learned about clit-hood piercings (a bartender was going on about how she’d been non-stop stimulated since she got hers, and how her friend had had to take hers out because the stimulation was too much). Ah, childhood!