2006.12.12: Item 47: Integrated and Coordinated Implementation and Follow-up to the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits in the Economic, Social and Related Fields

Mr. Sul Kyung-hoon, Counsellor, at Fifth Committee of the General Assembly

Mr. Chairman,

1. Let me begin by joining other delegations in thanking the Steering Committee on the Comprehensive Review, the Secretary-General, the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) for their respective reports. I also wish to express our appreciation to the ACABQ for their thoughtful and informative report.

2. Governance and oversight are of the utmost importance to the Member States as well as to the UN. In this sense, my delegation would like to indicate that we have only limited time remaining for us to have any meaningful discussion of these important issues. My delegation feels that the Committee should leave the possibility open for deferring the debate on these important issues to the first resumed session of the Fifth Committee next year.

3. Nevertheless, my delegation wishes to make some preliminary comments at this stage.

4. On governance, the Republic of Korea has long supported the implementation of results-based budgeting and management. We believe that such an approach is necessary if resources are to be used efficiently and effectively, and we hope to see further strengthening of this approach. We agree with the ACABQ that further concrete measures are required to strengthen results-based management at all levels in the UN. If a results-based culture is to take root in the Secretariat, it will require the firm commitment, rigorous application and strong leadership of senior management. We also agree that a study should be undertaken to identify concrete measures and best practices to be implemented, making use of expertise throughout the UN system.

5. The Republic of Korea has likewise been a long-term advocate of strengthened accountability for the executive management of the Secretariat. In this regard, the Steering Committee’s recommendation that the Secretary-General establish an executive management committee merits serious consideration. We agree that real accountability will require a system of sanctions for underperformance by senior management. From this perspective, we support the recommendations for the strengthened accountability framework for executive management, which would include formal and transparent performance evaluations and sanctions for not meeting performance targets.

6. Turning to oversight, we agree that there is a serious Organizational gap on risk management, with no clear lines of responsibility. A systematic enterprise risk management framework should be implemented expeditiously. Likewise, stronger internal controls are needed to avoid mismanagement. These steps will contribute meaningfully to the development of a culture of accountability and to strengthening administrative processes.

7. To serve as the cornerstone of oversight within the United Nations, we would like to see an Independent Audit Advisory Committee (IAAC) established promptly. We agree with the ACABQ that the Secretary-General should present revised terms of reference for the IAAC at the next resumed session.

8. Finally, we would like to see the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) strengthened. A number of the Steering Committee’s suggestions fall within the managerial competencies of the Secretariat. We join the ACABQ in urging the Secretary-General and the Under-Secretary-General for the OIOS to exercise their managerial competencies to ensure that the OIOS is able to carry out its responsibilities.

Thank you.