[losing weight]

Topic: Personal

Since I began going to the gym regularly last October, I’ve lost 15 pounds, or about two pounds a month. This is especially exciting to me because the only other way I’ve ever lost any weight is to go to India.

The Indian weight-loss program has its advantages. You take off the weight quickly, and you have the added benefit of an exotic vacation. The result is that you look something like George Harrison: skinny, yes, but also haggard, poorly dressed and in the company of hippies. Then there are the bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion and nausea, the (often but by no means always) dismal food, the arduous travel from place to place, and the impossibility of keeping the weight off when you find yourself somewhere that serves drinkable water and good hamburgers.

Exercise, by contrast, is boring but sustainable. You can do it in New York, where the food is good. Granted I still look less like this and more like this, but at least the long-term effects of my current regimen won’t make me look like this.