[korean movies]

Topic: Korea
August is a rich time for Korean movies in New York. The Korean Film Festival is coming to town, running from August 13 to 19 at The ImaginAsian on East 59th Street between Second and Third avenues, and continuing at BAM in Brooklyn from August 20 to 22. Meanwhile, from August 2 to 13, the Korean Cultural Service is holding a Classic Korean Film Week, followed by a Korean Horror Movie Week.

While there are a lot of films to choose from, a couple caught my eye as being especially of interest. The documentary Moodang explores the world of Korean shamanism. Memories of Murder, the story of Korea’s first recorded serial killer, may sound like just another grizzly East Asian gorefest, but it’s directed by Bong Joon-ho, the same guy who directed the ingenious Barking Dogs Never Bite.